Phil Betts wrote:
If acceleration matters so much to you, I'm sure Yaakov and Jon would
welcome patches to enable it ;-)

The source for the experimental version isn't available via setup.exe,
and I haven't been able to locate the source elsewhere.  Since the
original package is still available (even if obsolete), I thought that
the GPL insisted that the source was similarly available.  I would like
to take a diff of the two X11R6 server packages, with a view to merging
the changes into the current, much changed, source, but without access
the source for both accelerated and unaccelerated, this is impossible.

Does anyone know where one might find the source package for xorg-x11-xwin-gl- I've tried the Cygwin Time Machine, but
it appears to be down.

As far as I know, there is no separate source package for xwin-gl, it is simply the same X server built with different flags.

This mail [1], linked to from the todo web page, seems to explain how to build with the acceleration code enabled, in the old, Imakefile'd monolithic tree.

I haven't looked at all as to if it's a simple of just finding the correct thing to turn on in the modular tree, or how much this has rusted due to other internal changes in the X server or GLX over the intervening years.

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