divya kotekar writes:
> I am Divya. Basically from systems side, acquainted with Windows OS
> and with very limited knowledge about compilers.

This mailing list concerns the X Window System running on Cygwin; Cygwin is a
POSIX emulation layer on top of MS Windows.  It is hard to see how your
questions are on-topic for this list but maybe you're just leaving out some

> My objective:
> I have got some updated files of GCC (3.0) from my colleague. I am
> asked to create a new binary including these updated files.

It is hard to tell if you have application source code, written in C, that you
want to compile with gcc, or if you want to compile the gcc compiler itself. 
Both of those topics are off-topic for this list.  If instead you have an
application that makes use of X Window, that would be on-topic here.

> Current situation:
> I have installed Cygwin in my system and trying to compile simple programs.

OK.  Problems using gcc on Cygwin would be discussed on the main Cygwin mailing
list, not this cygwin-xfree list.

> Help needed:
> 1)Is it possible to build the source of GCC in cygwin targeting
> Windows. If Yes, any document to do so.

Here you're talking about "source of GCC" again and it's not clear whether you
mean "application source to be compiled with gcc" or "source code of gcc itself
to be compiled".  It could also be that you don't need Cygwin, but just a
Windows-based gcc compiler; in that case check out the totally separate project
MinGW at mingw.org.  They have their own support lists if you need their help.

> 2)While compiling simple C files, I get an error stdio.h:No such file
> or directory - Could you please provide some solution as the FAQ
> didn't help me much

Which FAQ were you reading?  Start simple: Create the canonical "Hello World"
example program hello.c and compile it with "gcc -o hello hello.c".  Run the
program with "./hello".  If that doesn't work, supply a log of what happened in
your next email, but send that email to the main Cygwin list, not this
cygwin-xfree list.

Hope this helps,


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