SUN, Jian wrote:
> I think I may turn to xtermcontrol and use commands to resize the
> windows instead of key combinations.
> xtermcontrol --maximize
> xtermcontrol --restore

If you're content to only have this available from the command line,
you could assign the xtermcontrol commands to shortcut keys in your
~/.bashrc.  E.g. to bind F1 to maximize and F2 to restore:

bind '"\eOP":'$'"\201"'; bind -x $'"\201":xtermcontrol --maximize'
bind '"\eOQ":'$'"\202"'; bind -x $'"\202":xtermcontrol --restore'

You can't bind a shell command to a key that doesn't already feature 
in readline's map, so you have to translate the key (\eOP) into a 
non-existent key (\201) that is in its map, then bind the non-
existent key to the command.

> Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it.

No problem, glad to be of assistance,


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