samitj wrote:
> I keep getting this error:
> sj...@dksjdksj~
> $ startx
> xauth: creating new authority file /cygdrive/c/Documents and
> Settings/samitj/.se
> rverauth.8172
> giving up.
> xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
> xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

This suggests that the server probably failed to start.  Look in the 
server log file /var/log/XWin.0.log, which should give you more of a

You should also look into changing your $HOME so that it doesn't have 
spaces.  This might not be the problem here, but spaces in paths are 
a dumb idea and you're just increasing the risk of problems.

The easiest way to do this without actually moving its location is to 
mount C:/Documents and Settings as /home, i.e.:
  mount -f -s -b "C:/Documents and Settings" "/home"
then set your home directory in /etc/passwd to /home/samitj

Note however that users have reported problems with permissions on
Windows7 when their home directory is the same as the Windows profile
directory, so you may just want to avoid "Documents and Settings"
completely so that you avoid problems in the long run.

> I just upgraded my cygwin installation of X-server and I am doomed.
> Nothing is working. I am unable to start xserver. Sometimes it 
> starts and crashes immediately. It does not start in multiple windows
> as it used it in the previous version. I'm also not able to copy 
> paste between windows and unix applications.
> Please advise. I just want to type 'startx' and it should work as
> before.

All that has happened is that the default server arguments have 
changed.  Removing the cygwin-specific default options makes startx 
the same as on other platforms.

You have 3 options:
a) run "startx -- -clipboard -multiwindow" to get the old behaviour.
b) edit the startx script instead, setting defaultserverargs=
   "-multiwindow -clipboard", but your changes would be lost each 
   time you updated.
c) Use startxwin.bat.  That is the best supported method of starting 
   XWin, and works the way startx used to.

You should also read the FAQ, because a lot has changed between
X11R6 and X11R7:

[I note that there is no mention of the change to startx's default
server arguments in the FAQ.  This isn't the first time that this
has been raised, so perhaps it should be added to the FAQ]

> I have tried numerous re-installations (about 20) but nothing is
> working..

It's been said that one of the signs of madness is continually 
repeating an action and expecting a different result ;-)  What made 
you think that things would work out any better the 20th time?  OK, 
so this is Windows, where the 3rd or 4th time sometimes *does* 
produce a different result, but 20 times!

For future reference, the way you should have gone about this is:

1) Read the update announcements so you don't get any nasty shocks:  The major announcement
for the initial X11R7 release is here:
This is linked to in the first paragraph on the Cygwin X front page:

2) Update, following any instructions in the announcements

3) If you have problems, read the documentation:

4) If you can't find your answer there, search the mailing list

5) If you're *still* stuck, post your problem here, following the 
instructions here:
In addition, for X related problems, you should also attach your

When it comes to software, the thing to remember is "if at first
you don't succeed, read the documentation", not "try, try and try


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