I would suggest you run the native version of 'gvim' instead
of the cygwin 'gvim' unless you know you need something that
the 'X' version provides.

You can download the native gvim from the vim website.

The native version can use the SAME config files as the cygwin
version (i.e. it works equally well with LF line endings as
it does CRLF line endings).

It handles "/" or "\" as path separators.  I believe.

BUT, one caveat, I have my Cygwin installed in C:\ not
C:\cygwin, and my drive prefix is "/" not 'cygdrive/'  This
means all my dos paths and cygwin paths are *equal*. So
from any directory, if I type in 'vi xxx', I get the cygwin
based 'vi' editor, but if I want a gui, I can type in 'gvim xxx'
and I will get the native-windows based gui.

Just make sure you add /prog/vim/ to your path (or wherever you
install vim programs).  It's faster and doesn't need a running
I do use the X-version of gvim, but only when editing a file
on a remote machine.

That said, the process of getting the 'X' version of gvim
is straightforward.

Start from debugging the launching of it in 'cmd.exe' -- that's like calling it from 'run'. which is similar to how
explorer will run it.

Also, if you use ":0" for your output, be sure to
put it in quotes.  DISPLAY=:0 isn't safe unless it
is quotes : DISPLAY=":0"   DISPLAY=":0" will go through
a unix socket to talk to your Xserver.  In 'xhost', it shows
up as "LOCAL:", whereas internet addresses show up as
INET:localhost"  (entry for localhost:0).

jean-luc malet wrote:
I have the same kind of issue but with gvim....
however it does work with xterm....

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