On 03/11/2009 23:34, ERIC HO wrote:
Hi Jon, the crash is not caused by doing some specific action or looking at
specific pages in firefox.  Sometimes I sit on the Firefox screen and the
cash happens. I ssh to the the remote Ubuntu Box and start up a
gnome-session  there back to my display.

Over ssh, I can't even get gnome-session to start up properly, so I'm bit stymied trying to reproduce this.

I then bring up the firefox on the
Ubuntu box. After a few clicks, the cygwin Xserver died. I tried starting
the X server with -multiwindow, but could not even get a complete GNOME
screen back.

You won't be able to get gnome-session to work with -multiwindow mode, as you are already running the integrated window manager.

What I meant was, you should try starting the X server in -multiwindow mode, then ssh'ing to your Ubuntu host and just running firefox

Are you sure that it is firefox that causes the X server crash? i.e. does the crash not happen if you use other applications or just idle in your gnome session?

I've tried  -query but did not get a screen back. It could be
only ssh is allowed into the Ubuntu box.

Yes, it seems that XDMCP is disabled by default in Ubuntu 9.10 and they seem to have neglected to provide a GUI to turn it on.

A quick google should reveal how to do that, e.g. [1]

[1] http://www.peppertop.com/blog/?p=690

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