Fedora 12 - kdm for the greeter.

Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 20/11/2009 15:46, Michael Breuer wrote:
I've attached the log.


Can you also please tell me what OS the XDMCP host at is running?

Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 19/11/2009 16:25, Michael Breuer wrote:
For what it's worth, I tracked that down yesterday by looking at the
error log on the server - there was a complaint about clipboard - don't
recall what... seemed innocuous but figured I'd try turning off
clipboard. Viola, it worked.

Could you tell me what the clipboard related error message is?

2009-11-20 10:46:08 winClipboardIOErrorHandler!
2009-11-20 10:46:08 winClipboardProc - setjmp returned for IO Error Handler.
2009-11-20 10:46:08 winClipboardShutdown - Clipboard thread has exited.


The problem here is that the internal clipboard integration client is terminating for some reason. (This is not entirely unexpected in XDMCP use, as login managers often try to kill other clients to ensure they don't watch you type your password, but there is code in place to try to prevent this happening to the clipboard integration client, in case you want to paste your password...)

Since Xserver 1.7.1-1, terminating the clipboard integration client causes the Xserver to terminate as well (although this change, which also applies to the -multiwindow internal window manager, doesn't seem to be mentioned in any of the announce emails)

My reasoning for this change was that we shouldn't accept the options turning these internal clients on and then silently allow them to fail. This was particularly bad with the -multiwindow internal window manager, as if that client exits all new windows have no native frames, which is particularly useless.

I guess this also interacts unfortunately with -clipboard being the default now, since

So, perhaps we need to do something smarter here, either improve the way we try to avoid the internal clipboard client getting killed, or perhaps restart it after an interval ...

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