Ok - that worked. Was able to remove -noclipboard as well. Will use for a while and make sure it stays up... so far, so good.
Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 20/11/2009 04:04, Michael Breuer wrote:
Connecting to F12 running Gnome, running python based applications
causes Xwin to segfault. For example, running virt-manager kills Xwin
immediately. Most of the F12 admin tools exhibit this behavior. I tried
-swcursor based on some old discussions on this list regarding Java
crashing Xwin (from 2007). Doesn't help now :(

Anyone have suggestions?

I can't even use XDMCP to log-in to Fedora 12 (Constantine), due to random segfaults :-(

These seem to be due to a bad interaction between the damage tracking for the Composite extension and damage tracking for the shadow framebuffer.

So can you try disabling the composite extension with '-extension Composite'? (note the captialization)

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