Hi Holger;

> In your first mail you said you wanted to start openbox as a window manager,
> now you talk about kde. That are two different things.
> What happens if you start openbox in a bash shell without starting a
> X-Server first?

If I don't set the DISPLAY environment variable then it complains
about it not being set.

If I do set the DISPLAY environment variable then it complains about
not being able to use it.

Apparently I'm missing some components...

$ openbox-session
which: no hsetroot in [PATH content deleted]
which: no esetroot in [PATH content deleted]
xsetroot:  unable to open display 'KWOLCOTT-T61:0.0'
which: no gnome-settings-daemon in [PATH content deleted]
which: no xfce-mcs-manager in [PATH content deleted]
which: no start_kdeinit in [PATH content deleted]
Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY
environment variable.

Normally I use the Xming X Window manager if I'm not running the twm
Window Manager executed from Cygwin.

Ken Wolcott

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