On 15/03/2010 05:42, David Barr wrote:
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Jeff Spirko<spi...@gmail.com>  wrote:
The icon runs from the Windows environment, so the run.exe and
bash.exe wrapper programs are needed to set up the proper cygwin
environment.  Once you're in a cygwin shell, you already have the
cygwin environment set up.  That's why you don't need to type them in
from the command line.

So, they really should be equivalent.

I've probably missed a prior discussion, but if "startxwin.exe"
doesn't set up the Cygwin environment, then what good is it? I thought
that this was about the only advantage that "startxwin.bat" had over

No.  startx and startxwin are different tools to solve different problems.

I keep adding more text to [1] to clarify this, but this doesn't appear to help, perhaps because nobody actually reads it...

[1] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using.html#using-starting

> Considering that "startx" also sets up the .Xauthority file
and startxwin.exe doesn't, I see absolutely no reason to use
startxwin.exe instead of startx.

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