On 2/16/2011 6:17 PM, Srikanth Katkam wrote:
> I can do rsh/ssh onto other linux machines in the network and use
> all the resources on those machines but I cannot do the reverse, i.e., rsh
> on to my windows machine (i.e., Cygwin X server), why the other machines
> not able to see my cygwin/windows machine?
> This is why I am not able to run any DISPLAY required applications
> on the other linux machines (which rsh'ed on to from my cygwin/windows
> machine). The main reason is when I set the DISPLAY environment variable
> on the linux machines as my_windows_machine:0.0 it says cannot
> open DISPLAY

Your title does not appear to match the question you are asking.

If you are logged on to a linux box, and want to rsh over to your cygwin
box ... then you need to set up the rshd server on your cygwin box.  See

If you are logged on to a linux box, and want to ssh over to your cygwin
box ... then you need to setup up the sshd server on your cygwin box.
See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README (but basically, run
/usr/bin/ssh-host-config and answer the questions).

That answers what your TITLE appears to ask.  However, the TEXT of your
question appears to ask a completely different question:

You are ssh'ing from cygwin to linux, and want to run an X application
on the linux machine, and have the display show up on your local cygwin
box -- but it's not working.

OK, FIRST you have to install and configure the cygwin Xserver, and have
it running.

SECOND, you need to be able to display X apps LOCALLY on cygwin box.
e.g. launch an xterm on the cygwin box.

THEN, from /that xterm/ on your cygwin box, do this:
        ssh -Y remote_linux_host

FINALLY, once logged on to the linux host, launch an X app.  It should work.

Read about the -Y (and -X) options...


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