Ken Brown <> writes:

>While waiting for this, I'll make a wild guess that his problem is
>related to the selection changes that started with emacs-24.1.  Browse
>the NEWS file (`C-h n') and search for "Selection changes".

Thank you for trying to help.

I found that when I googled, but I did not find it helpful at
first. I think the following is incomplete.

*** `x-select-enable-primary' now defaults to nil.
Thus, commands that kill text or copy it to the kill-ring (such as
M-w, C-w, and C-k) also use the clipboard---not the primary selection.

I think that x-select-enable-primary also affects C-y.

I tried to paste with the scroll wheel, but apparently that generated
mouse-4, not mouse-2. But I really want to paste with the right mouse

In .emacs:
   (global-set-key [mouse-3] 'mouse-yank-primary)

In .Xdefaults:

XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
  <Key>BackSpace: string(0x7f) \n\
  ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn1Up>:     select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)  \n\
  ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Down>:    ignore()  \n\
  ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Up>:      insert-selection(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)

(When I first tried to post this, I got the backspace invokes help
problem. I put in the fix for that also) 

Fredrik Stax\"ang | rot13:
This is all you need to know about vi: ESC : q ! RET

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