On 13/06/2013 16:00, Deryl Steinert wrote:
> Here is a reference to a Java bug that suggests that the problem may be
> related to the X window manager being used;
> http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6798064
> It doesn't specifically address the issue under Cygwin but does talk about
> the issue occurring under the ION window manager which is not officially
> supported
> by Java. 

Thanks for researching this issue.

> Perhaps the internal window manager used by Cygwin in multwindowed mode has
> the same issue?

Yes, this seems quite likely, the multiwindow mode WM has no support for
WM_TAKE_FOCUS currently (One of it's many ICCCM conformance issues :-) ).

Reading the text of the ICCCM ([1] 4.1.7. etc.), it's not quite clear to me
that WM_TAKE_FOCUS support is mandatory for the WM (it's clearly optional for
a client), but the bug above seems to be saying that Java 7 requires it for
focusing to work as expected.

> Can the default internal window manger be changed when starting Xwin in
> multiwindow mode?

No, it's internal because it's a special window manager that knows how to draw
the X window contents in native Window frames, you can't replace it with an
arbitrary other WM.

XtoW [2] is another WM that also knows how to achieve this (by different
means), but probably suffers from the same bug.

[1] http://www.tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/
[2] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2012-12/msg00003.html

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