On 11/06/2013 21:08, Matt D. wrote:
> To add some additional information, I am having the font rendering issue
> when connecting my X session to a remote CentOS 6.4 machine. I cannot
> duplicate the issue when running applications locally through Cygwin.
> I'm having some trouble narrowing this down but here are the results of my 
> tests:
> Remote X font rendering changed:
> gedit 2.28.4 (Consolas)
> gedit 2.28.4 (DejaVu Sans Mono)
> Eclipse 4.2 (Consolas)
> gtk-demo (GTK2)
> Local font rendering unchanged:
> gedit 3.6.2 (Consolas)
> gtk3-widget-factory
> gtk-demo (GTK2)

> Attached are the results from xdpyinfo. 

> multi
> screen #0:
>   dimensions:    4480x1080 pixels (1185x286 millimeters)
>   resolution:    96x96 dots per inch

> rootless
> screen #0:
>   dimensions:    1920x1040 pixels (508x275 millimeters)
>   resolution:    96x96 dots per inch

It might be that the implicit -multimonitors with -multiwindow is doing is
throwing things off somehow (rounding?), so you might want to test with
-rootless -multimonitors and -multiwindow -nomultimonitors and see if that
changes anything?

On 12/06/2013 00:18, Matt D. wrote:
> I'm unfamiliar with X but I've been digging around the source code to see if I
> can find anything.
> It seems like all of the text drawing is done by functions in dixfont.c, is
> this correct? Is there a different rasterizer between normal and multiwindowed
> mode?

No and yes.  That is the legacy (core) font rendering.

Modern applications will use client-side font rendering and just send an image
to the server using fontconfig/Xft/XRENDER.

This would tend to suggest there is something in the font rendering on the
Centos host which doesn't respond well to something about multiwindow mode,
but I don't know what...

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