On 08/01/2014 08:39, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:
>> *** xorg-server-*1.15.0-1
> I DO NOT want install this test version, but when I run setup-x86 to update my
> Cygwin installation (I find only a few GraphicsMagic packages to be updated),
> it wants install additional packages needed by xorg-server set of packages.
> This didn't occur a few minutes before this announcement...

Could you be a bit more specific about the additional dependencies it wants to

> I wonder if something went wrong when you updated this test version of
> xorg-server*. If not, sorry for the noise.. :(

There are small differences in the dependencies for 1.15, but setup handles
this situation badly, so the current actual dependencies need to be the union
of those for 1.14 and 1.15.

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