On 24/02/2015 23:06, Maarten Hoes wrote:
Im experiencing an issue where the graphics arent displayed correctly.
When I start LibreOffice on my Fedora 21 Linux system from a cygwin/x
system, the left hand side (open file, template, writer document, etc.)
isnt displayed properly initially. After clicking around some, the
display updates and gets displayed right.

Here's a screenshot of the badly displayed graphics:

And this is what it looks like (correctly) after some clicking around:

I have no idea on how to start troubleshooting the issue; all thoughts
and ideas are more than welcome.

To me, this looks like a different icon set is being used. Note that the "Open File" and "Templates" icons have completely different outlines between the two screenshots.

Have you verified that this problem doesn't occur with XDMCP sessions using a different X server (e.g when run locally on Fedora 21)?

I think this is probably best addressed by raising an issue on LibreOffice.

It might be that XWin is doing something to make LibreOffice render like this, but LibreOffice devs might have more insight into what that something might be.

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