On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 07:40:58PM +0100, Lothar Linhard wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> With cygwin's mmap.cc I guess, I cannot map more than 197 MB ?!
> Is that correct?
> In my application I always call mmap(NULL,size,PROT_RW,...)
> here is what I get:
> [...]
> mmap segment[12]: 0x288d0000...0x2c8cffff = 65536 kB
> Then, when I try to map another 16384 kB or more, I get
> "Permission denied".
> I tried cygwin.dll 1.3.4-2 and 1.3.6-6.
> Just in case you don't konw or if you want to comment it.

Quoted from MSDN: "Windows NT/2000/XP: If the file-mapping object is
backed by the paging file (hFile is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), the paging
file must be large enough to hold the entire mapping. If it is not,
MapViewOfFile fails."

In other words, you can't mmap() more anonymous memory as your
pagefile has room for.


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