On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 05:15:16PM -0600, Bill Priest wrote:
> Jeff & All,
>       Thanks commenting out "set noglob" fixed the problem.  It would
> seem to me that set noglob should not be the default in csh.cshrc.  This
> is not the case in Linux or Solaris.  The csh.cshrc file says that these

Wrong.  This is the default setting in /etc/csh.cshrc on one of my
Linux systems.

> are "neat default settings".  I don't agree at least for this particular
> one and in general don't care for system wide aliases (but to each his own).
>       I guess I'm not sure why noglob was ignored in the previous version
> of tcsh (maybe Corinna mentioned it in the release notes and I missed it).

I mentioned in the announcement that from now on there are global config
files for tcsh in /etc.  These settings are just start settings.  What
nobody actually seem to care about is to _read_ the config files or even
my announcement.  Otherwise you would know about the following:

- Don't change /etc/csh.cshrc.  If you really need global(!) settings,
  add one or more files to /etc/profile.d with the suffix ".csh".

- Otherwise, all the `neat' settings are overridden as soon as the user
  has a .cshrc in his/her $HOME.  Quote from /etc/csh.cshrc:

  # If we find $HOME/.cshrc we skip our settings used for interactive sessions.
  if (-r $HOME/.cshrc) goto end

Which means additionally that I don't comment on this issue again
and that you'll need a really really good reasoning if you want
me to change that file (e.g. an error).  And don't forget, regardless
of the content of the system /etc/csh.* files, at least one person
will complain.


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