On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 01:28:08PM +0000, Tiffany Chan wrote:
> Hi
> How to change SID in win2k ? I have the following
> problem:
> Two w2k Advanced servers installed Cygwin. They used
> local user account. 
> ------------            ------------
> | Server A |            | Server B |
> ------------            ------------
>             \           /             
>             --------------
>             | user C home|
>             | directory  | SAN disk ( cluster control 
>             --------------  where the disk go)
> server A and B run cluster and shared SAN disk. User C
> home directory are in SAN disk.
> As using local account, user C has different SID in
> two servers. 
> E.g. When SAN disk is in Server A ( controlled by
> cluster), in user C home directory, owner of files are
> userC:None. When the cluster switch to Server B, the
> owner of files become 1035:None
> How can I show "userC:None" in both servers ? Can I
> changed SID in w2k or Cygwin ? So User C have the same
> SID.

Nope.  You shouldn't use local accounts at all but domain
accounts in such sort of environment.


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