Hallo Joshua,

Am 2002-01-04 um 22:33 schriebst du:

Sorry, I have no idea about lastlog.

>     As a side question, when I compile Cygwin programs locally, they seem to
> be much larger than the binaries installed by setup.exe.  For example, login
> installed by setup.exe is 11,776 bytes; the login that I compiled myself is
> 44,945 bytes.  I made no changes whatsoever to the source code, and used the
> makefile that came in the tarball.  In checking the archives, I saw one
> cryptic reference to using 'strip' but I don't really understand that
> reference.  BCNU//jle

$ strip login.exe

Where could this be cryptic?

You may also try:

$ man strip

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