On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 02:47:17PM -0700, Mark Paulus wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using rlogin to talk to a sun box, and have noticed that my rows &
> columns are not being set, so I'm not getting good terminal 
> characteristics.  After digging down into the rlogin code (and cross
> comparing with some debian/linux code), it seems as though someone
> is not passing the SIGURG (Urgent Out Of Band data) signal back
> to rlogin, and so rlogin does not know that it needs to send the 
> terminal characteristics back to the remote session.
> My question is, who is supposed to be passing on the SIGUSR
> signal?  rlogin is setting the appropriate handler, but it is never
> being called.

SIGURG is sort of a problem for Cygwin due to the way Winsock
handles messages.  In contrast to SIGURG on U*X systems, which
is sent always when OOB messages arrive, the corresponding Winsock
FD_OOB message is only generated when async IO is used (as is on
U*X sytems with SIGIO).  Unfortunately, using async IO on sockets
has some unwanted side-effects.  I began to implement something
appropriate but my current solution breaks ssh so that's not going
to help very much.

The current Cygwin doesn't handle SIGURG at all and unless I can
find a practical workaround for my async IO problem or unless
somebody else contributes a patch this stae will not change that


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