On 7 Jan 2002 at 13:11, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

"Soren Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  creating more updated man pages for (many of the core) Gnu apps we use ...
> > http://www.userfriendly.net/linux/RPM/contrib/noarch/noarch/gnumaniak-1. 

> ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/docs/man-pages/
> ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/docs/man-pages/gnumaniak-1.5.tar.gz

> But this file is about two years old...probably are the most
> manpages at your current Cygwin installation more up to date;)

I wonder about how we would know that. Oh, I suppose someone could get very serious 
and look at each page 
for a revision date (I don't know `man' well enough to be 100% sure, but I think I 
recall that a revision date is 
part of the formatting...). My point is however, if GNU say they are no longer trying 
to keep man pages current, 
then how can we know how out-of-date any arbitrary one might be? maybe you have inside 
information (by 
"inside" I mean access to facts about GNU which are not first-glance general knowledge 
or something like 
that). If you do have a specific reason to believe you know (i don't mean to sound 
combative, you just didn't 
support your contention with anything, leaving -- imho -- a question in the reader's 
mind) that the Cygwin-
installed apps' man-pages are going to be more current than something dated in 1999 or 
2000, pls tell me.

  Thanks --for the urls, great! ,
    Soren Andersen

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