On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 04:47:18PM +0300, egor duda wrote:
> JlR> I've done this but <windows.h> seems to leave my code in a tangle :)
> JlR> I suddenly have parse errors in my own header files, on normal
> JlR> function declerations. I can only deduce that windows.h is leaving an
> JlR> open ifdef or has unterminated strings or something silly.
> it's easy to find out what the reason is. gcc has a very useful option
> '--save-temps'. it instructs preprocessor, compiler and assembler to
> leave their temporary files in place, so if you compiling, say, zzz.c,
> you'll get zzz.i (output of preprocessor), zzz.s (assembly source --
> output of compiler) and zzz.o (compiled binary object). You want to
> look into zzz.i it shows what your source file turns into, and it's
> almost always easy to see why.

Fair enough.. but how do i turn it on with autotools.. configure does
not seem to support such a flag.

Jean le Roux
Binary Entropy Catalyst

Cellular:       083 505 6443

A sad spectacle.  If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly.
If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space.
                -- Thomas Carlyle, looking at the stars

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