On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:13:01AM -0500, Fleischer, Karsten (K.) wrote:
> > > It's a whole bunch of small fixes. I think I need to fill 
> > out the assignment form.
> > 
> > Yeah, please send it as soon as possible since you'll have to send
> > it by snail mail.  Sometimes it takes two to three weeks for some
> > reason.
> OK, I'll fill it out later today.

Fine.  We can need everybody who dares to change Cygwin ;-)

> > It will result in dubious problems
> > when a process mmaps a file.  For instance, the latest gcc expects to
> > be able to read over the end of an mmaped file if the size is not a
> > multiple of getpagesize().  Now think of a file which is 
> > coincidentally
> > exactly 1 page long...
> Glenn found some test cases where mmap() failed and has also written a nice test 
>program. I will get this to you later.
> He also states that the value returned by getpagesize() must conform to mmap() 
>alignment by definition in the SUSv2. I'm not quite sure about that, though.

See my reply to Robert.  It's just an example.  I don't have another
reason at hand now but we already considered that change and we
actually *had* reasons to avoid it.  Perhaps Chris can help out here.

> > We have some vfork() changes in the meantime and even ash had an 
> > related error which should be fixed.
> Maybe we fixed the same error. I'll send you the details.

Please compare with the current CVS.  Vfork() isn't in my expertise.

> > > - use the contents of $SHELL instead of /bin/sh for 
> > execvp()/execlp() and system() (with some additional checks, 
> > e.g. do not use a csh, use only 'trusted' shells from /bin, 
> > /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin etc.). This allows the user to 
> > select his favorite shell manually, so no more "copy 
> > /bin/bash to /bin/sh" troubles. (This is also from UWIN).
> > 
> > Hmm, interesting idea...
> OK, more detailed. I allow only absolute pathes in $SHELL and don't allow any *csh.
> If superuser then only shells from [/usr][/local]/bin are considered trusted shells.
> If not superuser shells from other directories are allowed, but if uid != euid or 
>gid != egid the shell and the directory where it resides must not be writable.
> Fall back value is /bin/sh.

But, uhm, what exactly is a `superuser' from your point of view?
We don't have that concept except for SYSTEM as _the_ user which
is able to change user context w/o changing security policies.
And on 9x/Me...

> > > - utime() doesn't mark st_ctime for update
> > 
> > Really?  I would never think so when inspecting the source code.
> Has this been fixed meanwhile? Also other calls like chmod() must mark st_ctime for 
>update. My patches are not complete here.

I have searched in the ChangeLog since I'm thinking to have a vague
memory about soemthing related.  Unfortunately I couldn't find that.


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