
I was happy to learn about this:

># Make insert actually useful
>"\e[2~": paste-from-clipboard

...since it is not documented via "man readline," "man bash" nor in my 
rather dated hard-copy BASH manual.

However, I now have two questions:

1) Where does one find complete and definitive information on readline as 
implemented / used by BASH.
2) Why does "paste-from-clipboard" stop just before the first newline in 
the clipboard contents while middle-mouse pastes the entire contents? Is 
there another undocumented clipboard pasting readline primitive that pastes 
the entire clipboard? (Running strings on /lib/libreadline.a suggests there 
is not.) Is this a bug, or intended behavior?


Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 21:35 2002-01-09, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>Here's what I have for my .inputrc, and it rarely steers me wrong:
># This file is read by the 'readline' library ...
># Make Home work
>"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
># Make End work
>"\e[8~": end-of-line
># Make Delete work
>"\e[3~": delete-char
># Make insert actually useful
>"\e[2~": paste-from-clipboard
># Ignore case for the command-line-completion
># functionality.
>set completion-ignore-case On
>Gary R. Van Sickle

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