Just to clarify a bit:

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Pavel Tsekov
> Hey, Vincent! :)
> First of all - this is _NOT_ a "download application". This
> is an installer.

Well, it's really both a floor wax AND a dessert topping*, but I digress.

*For those outside the US, or with more years ahead than behind, that's from a
Saturday Night Live skit.  I suppose knowing that doesn't make it any funnier

> Now to answer you question - No! The package selection is not
> based on the OS, on which setup.exe is currently running.

True, and the reason that is is because the same exes get installed regardless
of OS.  Any differences are taken into account (primarily by the cygwin1 and
other DLLs) at runtime.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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