At 09:55 PM 1/10/2002, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
> > Of Christopher Faylor
> >
> > >For Bourne style shells I use
> > >
> > >runme > filename 2>&1
> > >
> > >This redirects stdout first and then stderr to whereever stdout is
> > >pointing.
> >
> > If this doesn't do it, then I think the best plan is to find help from
> > another mailing list.  Basic shell questions are not really appropriate
> > here -- especially given the recent volume we've been experiencing.
>I've been cogitating for a while that it could be mutually beneficial to
>inexperienced users and regulars' blood pressures alike if the Cygwin mailing
>list page listed a few concrete URLs to such "newbie" lists/newsgroups/FAQs etc,
>and at the same time reworked the wording on the description of this particular
>list.  Currently it says, "If you have questions about how to use Cygwin, or any
>of its tools (bash, gcc, make, etc.), this is the list for you."  That means:
>"If you have any question whatsoever regarding anything you can associate
>somehow with Cygwin, post it here."  That's simply not the intention of the list
>(at least since I've been around), nor should it be, but the description simply
>gives no indication of the true intent, i.e. "Cygwin-specific questions only
>need apply".
>Now as for where best to send people, I have no idea (maybe some can just point
>into the appropriate section of the FAQ).  But here's a rough outline of what
>I'm thinking:
>Help With The Tools Packaged With Cygwin
>Can't figure out the bash command line syntax?  Don't know what a HOME is?
>What-ular expressions?  These are general Unix sorts of questions , and you'll
>have the best luck getting help at one of these many fine resources:
>Unix basics: http://wherever/
>Bash up the wazoo: news://bash.whatever/
>Regular Expressions Revealed: mailinglist://heretoo/
>Cygwin Specific Mailing Lists
>cygwin-xfree: (same description, note the clever inversion of these two, thus
>guaranteeing that no xfree questions get into the main list).
>cygwin: A high volume list solely for the discussion of Cygwin-specific
>issues/problems/etc.  If you have questions specifically related to the Cygwin
>ports of the tools, *not* regarding the tools themselves, post here.
>Cygwin Developers Mailing Lists
>Heaven help you if you post something off topic to one of these:
>cygwin-apps: blah blah blah
>Comments?  Questions other than "what are you smoking"? ;-)

Great!  Want to suggest a patch for this page?

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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