On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 08:12:00PM -0500, Mark Bradshaw wrote:
> I have an issue with openssh and UID's over 65535.  Similar things were
> discussed a bit back, but this is slightly different.  Seems that sshd will
> die when a user with a UID too high logs in.  The root cause of this is
> cygwin's use of an unsigned short for uid_t, instead of an integer.  As the
> UID goes through the ssh server, session.c calls get_last_login_time
> (sshlogin.c) with an integer variable.  When it hits get_last_login_time,
> however, it's squashed into a uid_t, which is too small for it.  The uid
> changes and problems occur.
> I'm guessing it wouldn't be too swift to just change the definition in
> types.h.  That oughta break lotsa stuff.  Is there some clear path to
> getting uid_t changed to an int, or is there a different/better fix for
> this?

Change the UIDs in /etc/passwd to be smaller than 65536.

Changing uid_t to unsigned int would break almost all Cygwin
applications.  We wouldn't be backward compatible.  We can't
do this.  At least at this point.  I would expect some more
really interesting changes in Cygwin before breaking
backward compatible.


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