On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 01:15:21AM +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> BTW, I have no entry in /etc/group with gid 513, that is my NT4.6a Server
> box.  On the W2K Server to my right the group exists.
> $ mkgroup -l
> Jeder:S-1-1-0:0:
> SYSTEM:S-1-5-18:18:
> Administratoren:S-1-5-32-544:544:
> Benutzer:S-1-5-32-545:545:
> ...
> I'm pretty sure that I never had this group.

Is that NT4 server a DC?  If so, try if `mkgroup -d' returns
the "Domaenenbenutzer" ("Domain Users") group.

I just tried `mkgroup -l' on a german NT4 Wkst and I got the group 513:

$ mkgroup -l

So it doesn't depend on the NT version.  As I already wrote, this
group exists always on all NT versions.  It's just renamed to
"Domain Users" if a system is configured as PDC.

For those who are interested.  It's a piece of code in mkgroup which
always tries to figure out the name of the 513 group when the -l option
is given.  It's different in each language and isn't returned by the
Windows local group enumerator NetLocalGroupEnum(), unfortunately:

================== SNIP =================
if (print_local)
     * Get `None' group
    len = 256;
    GetComputerName (name, &len);
    csid = (PSID) malloc (1024);
    len = 1024;
    len2 = 256;
    LookupAccountName (NULL, name,
                       csid, &len,
                       dom, &len,
    print_special (print_sids, GetSidIdentifierAuthority (csid), 5,
                               *GetSidSubAuthority (csid, 0),
                               *GetSidSubAuthority (csid, 1),
                               *GetSidSubAuthority (csid, 2),
                               *GetSidSubAuthority (csid, 3),
    free (csid);
================== SNAP =================


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