
I have recently compiled xdvi22.53 under cygwin1.3.9, but
I am having problems running it. The runtime error is:

xdvi: fcntl F_SETOWN: Invalid argument
- mktexpk --mfmode cx --bdpi 300 --mag 'magstep(0.5)'
--dpi 329 cmsl10 '>&3'
setsid: Not owner
xdvi: fcntl F_SETOWN: Invalid argument
xdvi: ! Out of memory (rellocating 134179459 bytes).

Any ideea abot what am I doing wrong? This may not be
directly related to cygwin, case in which I appologize
for intrusion. Nevertheless, if anybody has xdvi installed
over cygwin and/or knows what's going on, please replay
to either this mailing list or directly to me at:



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