We're trying to get sshd running on a Windows 2000 server box.  We're using
the latest version of everything (as of yesterday morning).

We're trying to get DSA authentication setup and we seem to have succeeded.
*If* we launch sshd from the command line, the DSA authentication works as
expected and we can login without a password.

Once we install it as a service and try again we get prompted for the
password.  I assume it is some
sort of permission problem (since sshd behaves properly from the


We have StrictModes set to no in /etc/sshd_config
we only set CYGWIN to binmode tty when prompted by the ssh configuration
script, so there shouldn't be any NT security issues involved.  We even
manually gave SYSTEM Full Control over the entire cygwin directory and it
didn't seem to work.

Are there any pointers you might be able to give or suggested courses of
action.  We don't get output in sshd.log indicating what it is unhappy

Anyone here recognize what is going on?  Five hours of quality time with
Google and I still can't figure out the problem. :-)


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