On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 16:33, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
> At 11:24 AM 3/14/2002, Chris Tooley wrote:
> >I'm having something complain that it can't find ldconfig.  Is this
> >something that needs to be installed, and if so are there any pointers
> >as to where to get it, or do I have porting work ahead of me?
> http://cygwin.com/packages/ answers questions like this. 

My question wasn't necessarily if ldconfig was ported (though if it is
and cygwin uses it that's great) but more about whether cygwin even used
ld to configure shared libraries or if there was some other interface to
perform this.  As I know that the software I'm wanting to install is not
currently listed there I was wondering if I need to learn how to port
that software to cygwin.

Chris Tooley

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