Hi Corinna,

> Currently I don't understand how setup could create a /etc/passwd file
> with gid 513 and a group file with gid 10513.
> IIRC, setup calls both, mkpasswd and mkgroup, using the -l option.
> This should naturally result in using the 513 in both files.
> If anybody could sched some light here so that we can avoid that
> trap in future?!?

OK, I shouldn't write just from memory instead of actually retyping the commands.

Given: cygwin on a W2k Primary domain controller.

When running mkpasswd -l and mkgroup -l, you get primary group 513 in passwd, and no 
mention of either 513 or 10513 in group file.

If you run mkpasswd -d mydomain and mkgroup -d mydomain, you get matching 10513 
eintries in both files: 

Resume: In the autogenerated files for local users/groups, the primary group as 
defined in passwd is missing from the group file. By using domain users/groups 
instead, you get the expected working result.

Sorry for the confusion, 


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