Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:

> At 02:58 PM 3/15/2002, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>Robert Collins wrote:
>>>>2) Include in the FAQ (or somewhere) a section on "How to Safely Update the Cygwin 
>dll". Probably just "shut down all cygwin apps, including daemons", but it would be 
>useful to know for sure.
>>>The next release of setup.exe automatically address's this and will
>>>replace in-use .dll's.
>>Really? How does it do that? Because I was under the impression that if a program 
>was running you cannot replace it's .exe file (or .dll file) because it was opened 
>exclusively by Windows. How do you get around that?
> Same way as Windows installers work.  Just schedule the DLL to be moved in 
> after reboot.

But that doesn't really replace the current DLL. IOW the changes are not 
effective until one reboots. Personally I find this a crummy way to do 
things but perhaps that's all that can be done.

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