> Gary,
> You labelled yourself a patriot.

I quoted the label of a beer bottle.  Samuel Adams to be precise.

> I just pointed out some relevant wisdom.

Indeed.  But not the relevant wisdom you thought you had.

> If you perceive that to be namecalling, so be it. It's the sort of baseless
> conclusion I expect from someone who admires patriotism.

Or drinks beer?

> To the best of my ability to discern it, there is no connection between the
> impoverished and gravely mistaken notion of patriotism and software process
> control models. If you can see one, please share it with me.

Well, I think the fork() concept qualifies as "impoverished and gravely
mistaken".  So I got that goin' for me.

> Randy

PS: In the future, if you have any insults or namecalling you feel you need to
send my way, please do so in a public forum where others can enjoy your sarcasm.
I have no desire to converse privately with someone who hates his country as
much as he hates himself.

My apologies to the list for bothering to respond to Mr. Schulz' bait.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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