On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:22:28 -0500 you wrote:

>I looked at it.  The crypt that comes with cygwin appears to do something
>different than [I, Sanjay] expected, at least on at least Sanjay's system 
>and mine.

>I conclude that this crypt is designed to only print out a key for a given
>Am I correct?


>If so, what is this utility generally used for?

It is generally used for creating the one-way crypt of a password used in
unix /etc/passwd files or Apache on Unix authentication files. The cygwin
version also allows the passing of a salt. Both the password and the salt
must be passed on the command line and not on stdin, the resulting crypt is
available on stdout.

Its very easy to knock your self up a crypt. Perl has a crypt function so it
should be very easy to create a crypt that takes the plain text password on
stdin. It would also very easy to do in 'C' (although it appears that mcrypt
will do the job).

Mark Himsley
In Acton

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