On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 03:07:55PM +0100, Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
>Seriously, Trying to run cygwin under WINE environment is a good
>testcase for both power companies (ie cygwin and wine :)).

Sorry, but it is not.  When an emulation environment does not properly
emulate Windows and causes a problem with a program, then it is
not the program's fault.

I really don't understand this line of thinking.  If you had a problem
running Powerpoint under Wine would you report it to Microsoft?

>The goal of a bug entry created for wine is to run bash/sh in WINE
>environment.  If someone is interested you can look at

Yeah, these are people reporting problems in *Wine*.

>Various cygwin programs function at this day (mount,ls, and several
>Thanks by advance, Sylvain.

What are you thanking for?  I'm pretty sure that no one who is working
on cygwin or setup.exe is interested in expending effort to get things
working on Wine.  I'd certainly reject any patch that I saw whose sole
purpose was to add Wine support to cygwin.

To answer your question: Cygwin is the power company.  Wine is the hair
dryer.  Fix the hair dryer.


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