Hi Richard,

if it's that important for your company's project
(that you work like me 50% of each 25h day 8-)
why don't you pay Red Hat per hour or day,
so Corinna or Chris work for you in their prime time?

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Troy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Donnerstag, 18. April 2002 17:45
To: Corinna Vinschen
Subject: Re: cygwin mentors? Was: bash and the suid bit

[Heribert] [snip]
You may operate under the assumption that it's left-over minutes in the
day that are being applied, and you're probably right for most everyone
else.  However, that's not what I'm proposing. If I attempt this, it will
be "during my work day", which, at the present time, comprises about 5AM
to midnight every day, including weekends and most holidays - aren't
startup companies fun? -wink- ...I need this other code to run on a
Windows Box (NT/2k and later), and it's a high priority.
[Heribert] [snip]

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