Got you.  I don't recall if a reboot was necessary.  All I remember was that
the Cygwin installation didn't work.  I then rebooted hoping then it would
work.  It didn't I BSOD'd.  Now that was in Windows 2000 Professional which
is doing very well now thank you.  I was going to put Cygwin in Windows 2000
Server and I was going to try it without the automatic installation in the
setup routine.  So I asked here and have been met with many an encouraging
and discouraging response.  I suppose that's the Way of The World.

George Hester
"Cliff Hones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > It wasn't setup that BSOD'd the op sys it was rebooting after the setup.
> > Jeeze!  And please if you want to give me the old "screw you" that
> > help any.  You may think my op sys is hanging on by it's IDE cable and
if so
> > that's your call.  I cannot believe you suggested installing a Norton
> > product.  OMYGOD!  Next thing you'll be praising the likes of WinOnCD
> > Windows 2000 or a McAfee product.
> What the blazes are you talking about?
> My suggestion was that Norton or McAfee (and the likes) may be the cause
> your (or others') problems.  They have certainly been known to cause BSODs
> when they are active during installs of Cygwin and of other software.
> I'm afraid that after all the mails on this subject I'm still
> unclear about what your problem is.  The nearest I can come to it is
> that long ago you tried installing Cygwin, and your system BSOD'd when
> you rebooted it.  And therefore you are refusing to even countenance
> using setup.exe ever again.  I must have this wrong, since it is
> somewhat illogical.  It seems noone else has seen such behaviour, which
> does suggest that it may be your system rather than Cygwin setup.exe
> which is to blame, yet you seem to go ballistic at this suggestion.
> Why, incidentally, did your system need a reboot after installing
> Cygwin?  This is not normally necessary - Cygwin does not install
> any system components.  It is one of the least intrusive software
> packages I know of.
> Nevertheless if you wish to install Cygwin on your server without
> using setup.exe, then it is possible, and if you're prepared to
> put in a little research you should be able to find out how.
> What you won't find is much in the way of support on this list.
> -- Cliff
> --
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