> > What you mention is true: maildrop is closely associated with maildirs
> > (and it was due to one of my colleagues, who swears by maildir on any
> > OS, that I came accross it). I intended to use mutt with maildirs,
> > including a shared mail archive we keep, but did not get around to it.
> I tried Cygwin mutt 1.3.24 with maildirs and it did not seem to like the
> ones generated by maildrop.  If it did, this would "solve" (OK workaround)
> any locking problems.
> Has anyone had success with mutt and maildirs?

FWICT maildirs have some filename issues (illegal chars in the names) that
Windows chokes on.  I can get inboxes to work OK, but e.g. mutt puts ":"'s and
","'s in the filenames it tries to create in your "received" folder.  I do have
a build of 1.3.28 that works OK with its *own* inbox maildir.  Do you want the
EXE to try out?

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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