
How many things are wrong with this request? If you don't know anything 
about Unix (-style) programming and computing environments, why are you 
trying to use one? Do you have a specific goal?

Unix ain't exactly new or arcane. There's so very, very much available from 
the simplest and most elementary to the most subtle and complex, that the 
slightest attempt to find something would having tripping all over it. This 
makes it appear that you have not even tried to find out about Unix 

If you have no money for books, try Google. If you can afford some paper, 
head to a technical bookstore (the "bricks and mortar" kind) and thumb 
through some of their Unix introductory texts. If you're nowhere near a 
real bookstore, check out on-line book reviews then order one or two from 
an on-line bookstore.

Put some effort into it! We don't go in for open-ended tutorials here, 
after all.

Good luck.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 12:18 2002-09-29, Adam Reynolds wrote:
>I have no clue how to use Cygwin/Unix. Any place I can go to find out
>the basics of Unix command line usage?
>Adam Reynolds

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