On Sunday 29 September 2002 12:59, MarketLogix Developer wrote:
> Hi.
> I bailed from this list about a year or so ago when Cygnus, or rather,
> RedHat finally nuked ObjC in the 1.3.x net release of Cygwin.  I know that
> it was never "officially" supported but once one could simply play with the
> makefiles a bit to get it going.  
I think that decision was justified, in the absence of someone  prepared to 
make objc work "out of the box" at that time.  Presumably, redhat depends on 
paying customers to justify additional work, or volunteers to accomplish it.
> Has some guru done the same for the Cygwin stuff or has the combination of
> COM, newlib, cygwin.dll, et. al. proven to be too much of a burden to
> overcome ?
Why don't you simply install a recent version yourself and see if you like 

Tim Prince

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