Hi all:

I've seen a simple "ls -la" command crashing on a couple of computers, and I've 
managed to track it down to the combination of USB memory sticks (formatted 
with FAT) and CYGWIN option ntea. This is a small demo script:

  set -xv  # Trace on.

  # This is my CYGWIN, (default value + tty)
  export CYGWIN="winsymlinks nontea nontsec tty"
  /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j

  # Change nontea -> ntea
  export CYGWIN="winsymlinks ntea   nontsec tty"
  # This crashes now.
  /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j

The output of this script is as follows:

  $ ./test2.sh

  export CYGWIN="winsymlinks nontea nontsec tty"
  + export 'CYGWIN=winsymlinks nontea nontsec tty'
  + CYGWIN='winsymlinks nontea nontsec tty'
  /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j
  + /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j
  /bin/ls: cannot access /cygdrive/j/EA DATA. SF: No such file or directory
  total 0
  drwxr-xr-x 4 rdiez mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan  1  1970 .
  dr-xr-xr-x 1    0 root        0 Jan  1  1970 ..
  ?????????? ? ?    ?           ?            ? EA DATA. SF
  drwxr-xr-x 9 rdiez mkgroup-l-d 0 Sep 22  2008 SomeDir1
  drwxr-xr-x 2 rdiez mkgroup-l-d 0 Oct 20  2005 SomeDir2

  # Change nontea -> ntea
  export CYGWIN="winsymlinks ntea   nontsec tty"
  + export 'CYGWIN=winsymlinks ntea   nontsec tty'
  + CYGWIN='winsymlinks ntea   nontsec tty'
  # This crashes now.
  /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j
  + /bin/ls -la /cygdrive/j
  /bin/ls: cannot access /cygdrive/j/EA DATA. SF: No such file or directory
  /bin/ls: cannot access /cygdrive/j/.: Bad address
  /bin/ls: reading directory n: Bad file descriptor
  /bin/ls: closing directory n: Bad file descriptor
        6 [sig] ls 1976 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state 
(probably corrupted stack)
  ./test2.sh: line 10:  1976 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /bin/ls -la 

File EA DATA. SF is there, I guess it has been created at some point in time by 
cygwin. I cannot open or delete it though. Actually, I would like to get rid of 
it, and I haven't find out yet how to do it!

I'm not on this list, so please copy me on any replies.


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