> How to install is here:
> http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/setup-net.html

I don't think it's terribly obvious that you simply need to run
setup.exe again to add more packages after initial installation. This
is not a common thing to do with other installers, and with some
installers this might even mess things up, so people might be wary of
doing this.

There's the message on the intial setup screen, but that's easily
overlooked or forgotten. And the page above only mentions it in

The lack of awareness of how to add packages might also explain why
lots of people seem to select "All" only to then complain about how
long the Cygwin install takes and how much space it occupies.

So to help matters, perhaps setup.exe could be installed as part of
Cygwin, and a suitably named link to it added to the start menu? Even
better if that link would take it directly to the package selection


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