
I'm having a problem with rsync over ssh: it randomly hangs. I had been using it for many years with a couple of scripts to backup my laptops, but currently it randomly hangs (1).

I've been searching the mailing list, and seems that some other people is also suffering, and some workarounds are provided, such as ssh-tunneling + rsyncd. I am currently using another workaround: samba mount + local rsync; however this does not behave as fine as rsync + ssh (for example, it does not preserve symlinks).

        Is there any (good) news that my search could not found? Any plan for 

(1) I do not know if it matters, but up to now (when it never hanged) I was using a Linux ssh server in the remote side, and currently (when it hangs) the server is winxp+cygwin as well. So maybe the problem is in the "server" side of the procedure.


Javier Sedano

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