On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

     > Hi,
     > I don't know if this helps but I have Linux running on 'server'
     > and win98 on 'ppp' (see note below)
     > Samba links the two - ppp accesses a Samba share 'darryl' (my home directory on 
     > >From a bash prompt I can eg;
     > # mount //Server/darryl/public_html/current_project /home/darryl/current_project
     > where /home/darryl/current_project is a folder in my cygwin home directory.
     > There is a post in the archives which questioned the possibility of mounting a 
floppy with ext2fs
     > on cygwin. But I gather this isn't what you are trying to.
     > Note: when I installed cygwin from the internet it changed the name of my  win 
box from 'station' 
     > to 'ppp' and I had to correct my Network Neighbourhood settings accordingly.
     > I'd like to change it back but haven't got that igured yet.

Well, actually that's a good idea, though I only have one PC :( I wanted 
to mount my local ext2fs partitions on windoze.



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