The URL (in summary) says that most Cygwin software is licensed under GNU GPL, X11 copyright (not sure how that's a license), and some are public domain.

I'm just wondering what's the recommended way to check that use of Cygwin internally at a company (no re-distribution) complies with all the licenses.

Obviously, if Cygwin (Red Hat?) provided answers to the above questions, it would save an enormous amount of repeated legal work. (N hours per license per company that uses Cygwin.)

1. Is there a complete list of all the licenses used by all the packages (rather than the above broad statement about an incomplete set of the licenses)?

2. Do you provide a statement that the licenses are compatible with each other?

3. Do you provide a statement that no package is licensed under terms that disallow commercial use?

4. Does each package have a license? (If not, I don't understand how someone could legally use it - is there some implied license if none is provided?)

To be fair, apart from a "Yes" to question 2 for Debian/Ubuntu, I don't know the answers to questions 1, 3 & 4 for Linux distributions, either.



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