Hallo Vince,

Friday, October 4, 2002, 10:47:30 AM, you wrote:

VH> the easiest way to fix your first problem is to change your primary group
VH> and thus the group that owns files you create.
VH> This is the 4th field in the /etc/passwd file.
VH> Note here. my primary group is 10512 (domain administrators) while the
VH> Administrator default group is 513 (none.)

I did that already:
IUSR_M111:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:1003:513:Internet Guest 
Uwe.Mayer:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:1000:544:Uwe Mayer,U-M111\Uwe 
Mayer,S-1-5-21-1801674531-1606980848-1708537768-1000:/home/Uwe Mayer:/bin/bash

But changeing the primary group in /etc/passwd won't do anything under
windows. The problem is that files created under windows have the
group None... Windows won't care for /etc/passwd and I didn't find a
way of setting "primary" groups under w2k.

VH> Vince.Hoffman:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:11063:10512:Vince
VH> Hoffman,U-CIRCLEUK\Vince.Hoffman,S-1-5-21-1382118675-421749423-1822239680-06
VH> 3:/home/Vince.Hoffman:/bin/bash

VH> this could help with the rest of your problems but it sounds liek you need
VH> to tie down your windows permissions which is doable but takes a bit of
VH> reading and fiddling not to break anything.

I installed W2k and all its programs as member of the Administrators
group. Will Windows have set its own permissions propperly enough so
that changing ownership from None to root (group Administrators)
shouldn't be a problem? (where None is a user or group) I mean if I
leave IUSR_M111 (don't really know why IUSR_M111 is group Users when
he has access to SSH2 files...) and SYSTEM as it is.

So far nothing should happen, because of the file permissions
If I then change all permissions to 770 - will that work? Permitting
execution to all files is dumb, but saver.

However, newly creates files /installed programs will still have group
None.... :(

Are there good papers on windows (/Cygwin) file permissions?

Uwe                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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