On 11/21/09, Dave Korn <cyg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> mike marchywka wrote:
>> No, read my posts. I contributed an observation that suggests the
>> windoze variables don't handle concurrent updates well. Two threads
>> needn't come from same process.
>   This is where your misunderstanding comes in.  If they aren't from the
> same
> process, they cannot be updating the same copy of the environment, since
> each
> process has its own, so there can not possibly be a concurrency issue.

On XP, go to control panel->System->Advanced ->Envireonment Variables.
These do no appear to be process specific. These are what I was talking
about where I saw garbage, it isn't like I did echo $PATH in a cygwin shell
and had junk due windoze media player or something. These weren't even
cygwin processes IIRC.

>> Well, again, if the OS has some underlying issue
>   It doesn't; you really have misunderstood the situation.
>     cheers,
>       DaveK
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Mike Marchywka
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