Andy Koppe wrote:

> 2009/12/22 Lee D. Rothstein:

>> '--icon=c:\_0\hippo_xp.ico'  option now breaks mintty.

> Works for me, with the icon placed in the same location. This is on
> XP, and I tried it both in Cygwin 1.5 and 1.7.

NB: c:\_0 is my root.

I just looked at the ownership/mode of hippo_xp.ico and it was
lr:none and 700. I changed it to lr:root and 777, and the Windows
shortcut still doesn't work. While lr is part of root
(Administrators), I don't run the shortcut with elevated

> What system are you on?

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64 GW2 1.7.0(0.218/5/3) 2009-12-04 17:08 i686 Cygwin
si ...

OS Name:    Microsoftr Windows VistaT Home Premium
OS Version: 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002

> How does it break?

Screen flickers, nothing else happens.

> Can you run mintty with
> that option from an existing mintty session and see whether it reports
> an error?

No. No matter how I specify mintty or the icon on the command
line, 'mintty' cannot load the icon.

e.g., all of the following don't work:

$ mintty --icon=/hippo_xp.ico -
mintty: could not load icon -- /hippo_xp.ico

$ /bin/mintty.exe --icon=$(cygpath -ua 'c:\_0\hippo_xp.ico') -
mintty: could not load icon -- /hippo_xp.ico



$ ls -al /
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 lr root   46878 2009-12-05 08:26 hippo_xp.ico

$ mintty --version
mintty 0.5.5



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